Krista Cain

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Krista was born January 26, 1974 and adopted out of Children’s Home Society in Oakland, CA. by Robert and Patricia Meinbress. They had one biological son, Eric, but because of Patricia’s type one diabetes, she was advised not to birth another child.
Krista had a beautiful childhood on a small farm in Lafayette, CA., with every animal to care for. She became quite rebellious in her teen years and, not until her early 20s, did she realize why. There was an emptiness and a guilt growing up not wanting to hurt her parents with all the questions surrounding her adoption. Eventually when Krista was 29, she went to the social security office in Oakland to obtain a copy of her original birth certificate. The woman behind the counter told her that her name Krista Elizabeth Meinbress was not in the system.
She didn’t exist.
Krista explained perhaps there was a different name because there was an adoption. The woman looked around and asked if Krista wanted the name on the certificate … she said YES. The original name was Marcelene Thomas.
Krista then started her own search but as marriage and kids happened, the search was shelved for some time until she decided to hire a private investigator. Incredibly within one week of investigating, she was in touch with a birth uncle named Wallace McPhee.
From there, two half sisters and a half brother from her birth father, William McPhee were located. Unfortunately William had passed away six years prior, but the relationships with siblings exist to this day.
Krista’s birth mother, Marcelene, was diagnosed with late onset schizophrenia (due to a very traumatic childhood) and Krista’s encounter with Marcelene was disheartening. A half sister 10 years her junior has been found but those relationships continue to bring challenges.
Today, Krista feels a heavy heart for Marcelene’s situation. She feels incredibly lucky, and at the same time a ‘guilty’ weight. Through all the ups and downs, Krista would still pursue her truth again.
She has three wonderful relationships in her life as a result of her search: Tony, Leila, and Leone. @kristac1 #adoptionstories #adoptee #allowusourentirety #adoptionreunion #adopteevoices #innocentpeople