Jenni Alpert (Cami)

Jenni Alpert (Cami) 2560 1707 wordadmin

Jenni Alpert (aka birth name Cami) is a singer, songwriter, guitarist and pianist born in Los Angeles, CA.

Jenni spent four years in foster care prior to being adopted into the Alpert family. She started to sing and play piano while in various foster homes and then with the support of her adoptive family, she learned to play guitar as well.
Years after being separated by the state into adoption, Jenni Alpert went looking for her birth father and found him homeless, running from the law, addicted, yet a musician just like her.  ‘Manhattan Don’ (as he is affectionately called for his dream to one day visit New York) always had a guitar with him whether he was on the streets or serving time for petty crime. After Jenni spent three weeks in the streets getting to know and shadowing her birth father, offering creative choices and options he never had, Don ultimately chose to change his ways and join her.  Having this profound partnership and musical connection inspired his extraordinary transformation. Also, as Don’s advocate, Jenni helped him out of the legal system (that he had been in since the age of 9) and got him off the streets and substances for the first time in his life.
Together for the five years they had, they performed at shelters as well as venues, sharing their story and songs to help others get off the streets, prior to Don’s passing.
With Jenni’s help, ‘Manhattan Don’ did fulfill his lifelong dream and make it to New York City…and the borough of Manhattan, ;D
Jenni continues to join a range of nonprofits and support organizations that focus on the unhoused, foster care, adoption, reunions, and the Adoption 
Constellation as a keynote speaker, performer, and program developer in support of education, transformation, and healing.
Jenni has also founded a music and arts non-profit programs for the unhoused and those in transition, in Don’s honor: