Brian Stanton

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Actor Brian Stanton was born, adopted & raised in Kansas City. At age 23, he reunited with his birth mother. Upon reuniting, she shared the dark possibility that Brian was most likely born from a non-consensual situation with 3 boys in high school. After 10 years of living with monster fantasies of a rapist father, Brian decided to search for his father to confirm the truth and humanize the ghost. After 10 more years of connecting with possible biological relations resulting in multiple negative DNA tests as well as navigating a handful of ancestry DNA sites, Brian found and united with his birth father, a man proving to be from a completely different situation much to the pleasant surprise to both Brian and his mother. Brian’s ongoing relationship with both birth parents fills him with gratitude and love.
Brian’s critically acclaimed, award-winning play BLANK tells the story of an adoptee’s journey in search of identity ultimately leading to the doorstep of his birth mother. His award-winning film @ghostkingdom, now available on Vimeo, reveals the emotional realities of the search and the significance of understanding one’s roots, connecting with biological relatives and accepting one’s truth.
*The tattoo, designed by his daughter Malea, is a union of the 4 letters S – M – U – P, the first letters of the surnames of his adoptive & biological parents, the 4 clans that make Brian Brian.